Thursday 1 November 2012

Review of the Nap Nanny

"The Nap Nanny Chill is a ground-breaking product designed to comfort babies and improve infant sleep. Made with a durable, yet incredibly comfortable high-density foam, the Nap Nanny Chill® mimics the contours of a car seat, the softness of a baby blanket and the stability of a mattress–allowing your infant to rest and play peacefully." - quoted from

Does it really work?is it really worth the $129.99 (amazon price)?
I first found out about this product from a blog of a mother with quadruplets. (Their story is really inspiring! Take a look if you can read Chinese! )

She gave birth to her babies in USA and now resides in Taiwan. The Nap Nanny appears to be really useful in her situation. Her babies uses it to nap, eat, and play! 

I bought ours from Babies r us in Buffalo, NY. I was unsure about this product at first...$$$ for a giant sponge??? does have a nice cover on, but to me, it is still only a foam chair! But then I read on the product's packaging that it 'extends sleeping time by 4-6 hours!'...and we would pay anything for longer sleep time at this point, so we decided to picked one up and try it out! ( I am a easy target for marketers I know...)

Since this thing is only a "giant sponge" that cannot be folded, it took up a lot of trunk space in the car when driving back to Canada. Before using it for the first time, I took the cover off and put it to wash. When I saw the inner foam....I honestly felt like it was a rip off....

It has a nice curve to it and I only hope that it delivers what the advertising said. After I put the cover back on, I popped the baby in it to test it out. She seems very happy and comfortable in her new seat. We left her in there for  15-20 minutes and hoped that she would fall asleep. That didn't happen though...guess it just wasn't her nap time. Although she didn't fall asleep in it, she was comfortably sited during our "test time" and didn't fuzz at all! 

The second time around we waiting for her to fall asleep, then place her in the Nap Nanny to see if she would sleep longer than her usual time. In our case, she didn't stay asleep longer than usual. At this point I thought to wasted....but then very soon I discovered many more uses of this product! Because it is so light weight, you can move it anywhere in the house easily! I can kick it downstairs (with out the baby of course!) when my hands are busy and need to move it downstairs. I can leave my baby in it in the washroom while taking a shower so she can see me. I can bring it over the parent's house so she gets a comfortable place to sit...countless possibilities! 

Another plus is that it doesn't have weight restrictions! (after all it is only a sponge) When my baby outgrown all the other battery operated seats (bouncers, swings etc.), she can still use this Nap Nanny! I can easily get 4-5 years of use of of this! All a sudden the price tag isn't so ridiculous anymore =)

In conclusion, after owning the Nap Nanny for one month, I found that I have used it the most out of all other seats we have at home (bouncer, Mama Roo, bassinet/play pan). My baby would stay in it (calmly) for the longest time! For that I'd give it a 5* rating!
$159.99 (Canadian Price on-line)

*Always follow the manufacturer's instruction on how to safely use the product*

1 comment:

  1. An item made of soft contoured foam like this also has the benefit of not having one hard, sharp, or pinching area in its form, yet another comfort feature!
