Tuesday 2 October 2012

Duty Free Shop at Lewiston-Queenston Bridge

Cross boarder shopping always involve waiting in line for customs. With the favourable exchange rate for Canadians these days, many are crossing the boarder to shop. That includes us! We planned a one day shopping trip in the Buffalo region specifically for baby stuff! 
You never know how long the wait is to cross the boarder, so it's always a good idea to make a quick stop at the washroom before you enter the line. 

At Lewiston Bridge, there used to be a small building in the middle of the road with the washrooms. We were surprise to see that the building is now gone! Replacing it is a brand new duty free shop on the right side of the lane.  I didn't need to change  or fed the baby but decided to go in and take a look at the facilities to see if it is at all possible to nurse there!

This brand new duty free shop is quite impressive, with LED displays around the shop! I headed straight to the washroom....and for the first time...saw a stainless steel changing table! LOL Now that's fancy! Unfortunately there isn't a nursing room/chair available, but nevertheless, this is still way better than the old washroom ;)

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